Grief, Fear, Trauma, and This Love that Meets it All

Grief, Fear, Trauma, and This Love that Meets it All

If you’re inclined to grieve right now, please grieve. Let the deep, sacred waters of grief keep moving through. If you can weep, by all means weep. If you can’t, please know that the weepers are weeping your tears too. If you find yourself infected with fear, please...
Tending to Our Personal & Collective Heartache

Tending to Our Personal & Collective Heartache

I’ve been especially struck lately by where my personal grief, anxiety, and heartache seem to coincide with that of the collective. Sometimes when I wake at 5:00 AM with anxiety pounding inside my personal heart, it’s so clear that I’m simultaneously tapped into the...
Turning Bare-Chested Towards Loss

Turning Bare-Chested Towards Loss

 This morning, as I awakened alone inside the quiet warmth of my bed, I found myself contemplating the habitual way we brace ourselves against loss. I was considering a dear friend of mine, who is facing a particularly grueling passage of loss, inside a lifetime full...