About Jesua:
A lifelong mystic and healer, Jesua Wight serves as a soul mentor, medicine woman, and shamanic ceremonial guide, working with individuals, families, small groups, and teams. She beckons those she works with toward new levels of healing, awakening, integrity, and impact.
Jesua’s superpower lies in her unwavering devotion to the Truth. She has a seamless ability to track, identify, and illuminate whatever blindspots appear to be the culprit of unwanted energetic stagnancy, struggle, or suffering arising in individuals and organizations.
She empowers our innate capacity to directly face whatever appears to be in the way of our highest purpose, peace, and freedom. She serves as a clear mirror and a tuning fork, providing skillful reflection and feedback while inviting resonance with the greatest possibility for thriving.
Her presence serves the ongoing choice of courageous self-honesty, emotional sobriety, and the vigilance of self-love. She invites and celebrates our capacity to live with true integrity and self-compassion.
In all the roles she plays, Jesua extends a wholehearted invitation to tell the tender truth and to let love lead, moment by moment. It is her great joy and honor to support and serve everyone she has the chance to work with.
Jesua currently lives in the hills of Ashland, Oregon.
My Experience, Education, Initiation & Perspective
Informed early in life by life-threatening illness and disability, I was intimately schooled in lessons of humility and empathy. From my dance with pain and disease, I learned as a young child to turn to Spirit for solace. I became an imaginer, a questioner, a listener, a dreamer, a seer, a truthkeeper. I became a bridge.
A near-death experience at 19 provided a spiritual ultimatum of sorts that required my choice to incarnate fully; to say yes to life, and yes to making medicine of all that life brings. This catapulted my prayer for peace in a way that directly led to the honor of learning from and apprenticing with masterful spiritual teachers, indigenous elders, and shamans.
It also eventually led to the direct realization of what cannot be lost or broken; this which is inherently free and found, home and whole within us all.
In 1995, I received a B.A. from Sarah Lawrence College in NY, where I was fortunate to study writing, modern dance, philosophy, religion, and psychology with world-renowned academic teachers and authors.
After college, in the wake of my near-death experience and the healing path it inspired, I immersed myself in years of rigorous training in various healing arts. I attended a residential Healing Practitioner program in the remote hills of Northern California, where I became certified in several modalities of bodywork and energy medicine.
In my early twenties, I also met my spiritual teacher, Gangaji. As Gangaji’s personal assistant and healer for five years, I received invaluable private mentoring traveling the world by her side. To this day, Gangaji’s masterful clarity, love, and stunning example are inseparable from my life and work.
In my thirties, after I became a mother, I became drawn to the study and practice of different indigenous traditions. I was initiated as a Mesa Carrier by the Q’ero shamans of Peru, and through the traditional form of personal apprenticeship, I become entrusted as a skilled leader in other indigenous ceremonial traditions.
I’ve been blessed to work closely with many shamanic masters and guides, but my in-depth training with my deeply beloved elder, Dr. Tomas Pinkson, has inspired and informed my work as a medicine woman like no other.
I had a thriving private practice in the Bay Area of Northern California in spiritual mentoring and energy medicine over the span of twelve years. In 2013, my work evolved to include the facilitation of solo and group ceremonial intensives.
In this blending of spiritual influences, my work weaves together the nondual teachings of presence, stillness, and radical inclusivity with the “Red Road” way of staying close to the ground, and close to one’s humanity, making medicine of life’s inherent losses and struggles, in eternally relevant relational and shamanic wisdom.
As a writer and speaker, I love to share relatable, personal wisdom stories that ring with universal, transformational, and timely themes—stories of resiliency, of falling apart to rise anew; stories of grief and gratitude; trust, generosity, surrender, and forgiveness.
The path of motherhood, and particularly single motherhood, has been one of my truest wisdom teachers. More than any other path, it is here, in this tender, rigorous, relational “mess” of everyday loving, that I am required to tell the truth, to walk my talk, while uncovering copious amounts of self-compassion and self-forgiveness!
I am devoted to the holy work of continuous awakening. This means I’m always examining the reality of what it takes to be true to what I’ve realized; and what it takes to continuously surrender deeper, letting go of control, and letting love lead.
I’m particularly passionate about fanning the fire of spiritual maturation. I love working with people who are ripe and willing for the Truth.
It is my joy and honor to welcome others home to their own discovery of undeniable stillness, self-love, integrity, and fulfillment.