Taking Our True Seat

Taking Our True Seat

 For a long time I’ve held the phrase “Taking our True Seat” as a celebration of realized sovereignty and inherent inner majesty; a joyous self-claiming. To sit firmly, kindly and elegantly within oneself, allowing all subtle striving and habitual movement outwards to...
Oh, Death~ Is That All?

Oh, Death~ Is That All?

Lately as I’ve inquired bravely into what is in the way of my absolute surrender to Love’s outrageous use of my life, I’ve seen that I’m still afraid. Like most of us in the spiritual sub-culture, I’ve come to see my fear as a mostly un-useful bi-product of...
And Then, Spring Came~ An Intimate Share

And Then, Spring Came~ An Intimate Share

This life is such a wild rascal Mystery; heart-slaying, heart-blooming Master. Isn’t it though? How I cherish this sweet time of year, when the sun returns, tree buds blossom, and new flowers rise from the blackest soil. The resiliency of life surrounds us, triumphant...
The Simple Prayer of “Please Use Me”

The Simple Prayer of “Please Use Me”

One of the great gifts of times like these—when I’m faced with the vulnerable ache of uncertainty, my heart softly swollen in unknowing—is that it inspires me to approach the Mystery empty-handed, my earnestness completely exposed. After the children are asleep in...