Ezra’s Tiger Medicine Dream

A couple of mornings ago I woke up in a funk of my own grumpiness. A sinus headache I’d had for a few days was proving difficult to shake off. A cold winter greyness was pouring in from the outside, and I sensed in my heart a definite hint of the blues. I was finding...
From Mother to Mother: A Lovenote

From Mother to Mother: A Lovenote

Sometimes when I see mothers with young children—shopping in the grocery store, or waiting in line at the taqueria, or just walking down the sidewalk—my heart swells with so much appreciation and empathy it often brings tears to my eyes. Especially when there’s one...
Truth is My Only Business

Truth is My Only Business

I’m letting go now, my friend. I give in. I welcome you to give in, alongside me. I cannot hold on a moment longer to anything needing to be a certain way. I cannot perfect these costumes life has asked me to wear, nor can I master these roles I’m asked to play. Any...
The Potent Gem of “I Love Myself”

The Potent Gem of “I Love Myself”

“I Love Myself” One night before bedtime, a couple years ago, my kids and I were communing in our hot tub under the starlight and moonshine, relaxed and open-hearted together. In that shimmering warmth of connection, I found myself saying to them, “I want to share...
Heartbroken Love

Heartbroken Love

Today, on my 45th birthday, I’m reckoning with a broken heart. And I’m equally poised, alive IN love and FOR love, like never before. It’s been an intensely challenging year—personally, in my family, collectively and globally. For me personally, I have found it...