by Jesua | Mar 13, 2020 | Blog
If you’re anything like I am, then lately there are moments of simple clarity and presence, alongside other moments of feeling consumed and concerned by this rapidly accelerating, multi-layered mayhem. There are moments of deep breath, and moments of trembling. These...
by Jesua | Nov 29, 2019 | Blog, Featured Read
Several years ago, during this very same season of giving thanks, I went through a very difficult passage. It was not long after my daughter Arayla (nine years old at the time), had endured a vicious health ordeal that landed her in the pediatric I.C.U. for one long,...
by Jesua | Nov 6, 2019 | Blog, Featured 2
The other morning I woke up to one of those crazy time-crunch scenarios. You know—where it feels basically impossible to do everything we’re supposed to do inside the tiny window of time we’re given to do it? I had the chimney sweep people scheduled to arrive at 8 AM,...
by Jesua | Oct 17, 2019 | Blog
What is it that you are wanting? Are there any burning questions you have to which you would like to hear a response? If you could have support with anything that you are working with inside your innermost heart, what would it be? Jesua would love to know…...
by Jesua | Oct 11, 2019 | Blog, Videos
Humbling Gifts of Rejection & Failure In this video, Jesua shares about the gifts that come with the experiences of rejection and failure. By sharing her intimate journey of working to get her debut book published, she exposes the humbling process of receiving...