Love Will Not Wait

Feb 28, 2018 | Featured, Featured Listen, Poetry


I’ve got news for you:
you will never be good enough
for Love’s claiming.

Give up trying.
Notice Love wants you
anyway, anyhow~
just as you are: wounded
and restless, messy
and flawed.

Love has always wanted you
and Love will not wait
for you to feel worthy.

Love will not wait
for your enlightened
epiphany; your absolute,
shining realization.

Love will not wait
for you to be thin enough,
strong, healthy and beautiful
enough; will not wait
for you or your life
to look a certain way.

Love will not wait
for your fame, success
and recognition; will not wait
for you to be free
of vanity and pride.

Love will not wait
for the heavens to open
and bless your life
with shimmering grace.
Nor will Love wait for you
to release yourself
from the grips of hell.

Love already has you
in its claws, in its jaws.
Love’s got you,
and has no plans
for letting you go.

Love will not wait for you
to meditate, or practice yoga,
or chant the mantra for 101 days.

Love will not wait for you
to climb the highest mountain
and sit in the sacred cave.

Love will not wait
for our world to be saved.

Love will not wait for you
to find your ideal soulmate,
make your riches, or discover
your true life purpose.

Love will not wait
for your marriage
to become passionate
and fulfilling, nor for you
to finally find courage
enough to leave.

Love will not wait
for all your desires
to be met, your mistakes
to be forgiven; your heart
to be healed
of shame and remorse.

Love will not wait until later,
when the children are sleeping
peacefully in their beds;
will not wait
until they are raised
and off on their own.

Love will not wait
for the perfect resolution
of your traumas;
will not wait for you
to be free of addiction,
liberated of demons, absolved
of your anger, relieved
of your sorrows.

Love will not wait
for you to stop grieving
your many losses.

Love will not wait
for your loneliness
to vanish; will not wait for you
to know complete
happiness, immaculate peace.

Love will not wait
for your fears to cease,
your anxieties to melt, your mind
to become absolutely still.

Love will not wait
for your deathbed.

Love wants you now,
like this, human and holy~
just as you are, no matter
how broken and lost,
injured and confused.

Love is here, right here,
already firmly rooted
inside you; already
wanting nothing
about you to change.

Let Love handle
all that’s unfinished;
all you think
needs still to happen,
heal, transform, dissolve,
blossom, evolve.

Let Love take care of that.

 It’s a lost cause.
So give up and give in.
Love will not wait
for you to recognize yourself
as Love, in order
to claim you, to live you,
to BE you, already.

Love’s got you.
Love’s breath is yours.
Love’s heartbeat, yours.
Love’s hands are your hands.
Love’s life is your life.

Love’s life is your life.

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