Dear Loves,
Whew, my friends…these times! Oh my.
How are they for you? I notice for myself and so many others, including most of my closest kindreds, these times are really working us over.
Perhaps in extremely potent times of immense evolutionary transition, it’s the most sensitive souls amongst us, the star-keepers and medicine-bringers and truth-tellers, who feel it in the deepest ways.
We can feel the challenge of rapid evolution inside our very cells, aching in our hearts, calling our minds into increasing alignment and clarity.
We can feel the requirement of ever-deepening vigilance, immense self-compassion and surrender.
We are ever-humbled by our shortcomings, and yet called to keep showing up, ever-more-truly, as love and truth in this world.
How is it possible to be vigilant to the deepest truth when all our issues are up?
How do we atone with the most grueling parts of our humanness —when anxiety, rage, exhaustion or loneliness push us beyond our capacity?
How is life fiercely reflecting to us that it’s really time now to evolve our tendencies of reactivity, or avoidance, or laziness, or drama, or self-loathing… and how is it ALL simply a call for deeper MERCY?
These are the questions alive at the heart of my personal inquiry, and also the questions at the heart of the online course I am preparing to launch very soon, entitled “Vigilance and Mercy” which I’m excited to share with you more about in the coming weeks!
In the simplest terms, VIGILANCE is the means by which we get to LIVE what we’ve realized.
Vigilance is how we take what we realized in the heart of that spiritual intensive, or medicine journey, or vipassana retreat, or moment of lucid clarity at the top of the mountain, and APPLY it in the everyday moments of our messy human lives.
The moments when the children are driving us crazy, or when our survival-fears arise, or toxic resentment is brewing, or anxiety comes knocking in the middle of the night, or the grief builds like a tsunami in our chest.
For me, vigilance is at the heart of my ultimate sanity, joy and usefulness.
And I haven’t come by it naturally.
I had to be taught, intimately guided and mentored for many years by my beloved teacher Gangaji, in order to become a solid steward of this medicine.
Without vigilance, all of my breathtakingly profound awakenings would just be lovely experiences of the past.
Vigilance is how I make all the gifts I’ve been given meaningful in THIS moment.
And MERCY? Mercy is what we all need more of, especially in our patterns of being hard on ourselves.
Mercy is love, for that which feels unworthy of love.
Mercy is the kindness and compassion we can muster up for that which feels most stuck and lost and afraid within us.
Mercy is the most generous response we can discover in the face of our inevitable failure to be vigilant!
It is the living meeting place of these two treasures—vigilance and mercy, that I am most inspired at this time to invite myself and all of us to deepen in.
To this end, I’ll be expounding on this topic in the coming days and weeks, always with a prayer that what I share lands as relevant medicine for YOU.
Please comment below or message me if you’d like to be amongst the first to know more…
All my love to you, in this very moment, wherever you are!
From my heart to yours, ~*~ Jesua
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