Happy New Year, new decade, new holy moment from our little family to all of you…
I feel a simple prayer for us all. A prayer for ever-deepening presence in our living and our loving. A prayer for intimacy with the gift of this moment and what it means to keep our gratitude closer than close.
A prayer that we find increasing gentleness and kindness with ourselves and one another.
A prayer for courage; that we might continually take a stand for truth and love and self-love in the moments that are most difficult for us to.
I pray that as individuals and as a collective we might rapidly wisen and evolve. We might more easily make the connection between action and consequence. We might more quickly catch ourselves in the act of untruth and make a better choice.
Personally, I pray to get quicker at stopping myself in moments of forgetting. Quicker to rise to a truer action or speaking. Quicker to listen openly. Quicker to self-responsibility and apology. Quicker to forgiveness and compassion. Quicker to humility. Quicker to laughing at myself. Quicker to kindness please. Quicker to trust. Quicker to resting once again into what’s holding it all.
In this moment and every moment my prayer is to get out of the way of Grace, and to somehow do right by all I’ve been entrusted with. Especially this golden torch of truth.
To discard any habituated allegiance to self-doubt or self-denial or self-questioning.
To surrender.
Happy ever-new Moment dear ones! Happiest New Year blessings, New Decade blessings!
In this newest Now, I love you so! xo J
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