“There is a precious sanity that comes alongside our gratitude for all that life includes.
What a relief it is when we recognize that our gratitude need not replace our grief. The two can come together like two palms in a prayer.”
I’m not here to fix you, (as if you needed fixing!) or to heal you, or even to teach you anything.
My main purpose in your life is to invite you to come ever-more-fully home to yourself—to embrace everything that makes up the holy, messy, and miraculous life that you know as your own.
I’m passionate about our individual and collective awakening to the freedom that is alive and well within us all.
I’m passionate about mundane vigilance; about supporting us all in choosing love in the most difficult moments. I’m passionate about the incomparable power of self-love, self-forgiveness and self-compassion to stop all the wars and close all the apparent gaps within us, and out in the world.
It is my deep honor to meet you here, in the courage and the uncertainty, in the heartbreak and the devotion these times inspire in us.
Only Love, ~*~ Jesua