Mentor | Medicine Woman | Writer
About me:
Informed early in life by life-threatening illness and disability, I was intimately schooled in lessons of humility and empathy. From my dance with pain and disease, I learned as a young child to turn to Spirit for solace. I became an imaginer, a questioner, a listener, a dreamer, a seer, a Truthkeeper. I became a bridge.
A near-death experience at 19 provided a spiritual ultimatum of sorts that required my choice to incarnate fully; to say yes to life, and yes to making medicine of all that life brings. This catapulted my prayer for peace in a way that directly led to the honor of learning from and apprenticing with masterful spiritual teachers, indigenous elders, and shamans.
A lifelong mystic and healer, for decades I’ve served as a soul mentor, shamanic medicine woman, and ceremonial facilitator, working with individuals, families, small groups, and teams. I coach inspired leaders and organizations towards new levels of awakening, coherence, integrity, and impact.
My clientele includes tech executives, war veterans, artists, athletes, therapists, public figures in the music and entertainment industry, mothers and fathers, and executive teams of visionary organizations.
I believe the most effective catalyst for evolution in any individual, organization, or relationship lies in our capacity to instill radical codes of truth and love, inviting courageous transparency and wholehearted compassion, fostering trust and respect on all levels.
I’m here to empower our innate capacity to directly face whatever appears to be in the way of our highest purpose, peace, and freedom. I serve as a clear mirror and a tuning fork, providing skillful reflection and feedback while inviting resonance with the greatest possibility for thriving.
It is my joy and honor to welcome others home to their own discovery of inherent stillness, wholeness, integrity, and self-love.
From The Blog

Ceremonial Immersions & Retreats
Sometimes what’s called for is an in-depth immersion, an opportunity to retreat fully from the thrust and demands of our daily lives, from the many identities and roles we maintain.
Jesua brings decades of experience as a skilled life healer, counselor, and medicine woman in co-creating a retreat specifically designed to address whatever burning questions, growing edges, intentions, and desires are most present within you, your family, or your group.
Using the immeasurable power of prayer, Satsang, silence interwoven with music, holy sacraments, and shamanic energy medicine, this kind of intensive beckons next-level coherence, self-intimacy, awakening, and evolution.
From The Blog
Refusing to Prostitute Our Muse (a.k.a. ‘The Relevance of Peonies’)
My muse recently returned to me, after an excruciatingly long hiatus. For many, many months I could barely write a word. I felt zero inspiration, no assignments from God, a complete lack of any creative connection between my heart, mind and voice. I could still feel a...
Elegantly Crushed: A Pandemic Love Story
Full disclosure: I share this tender, intimate story that is really my son Ezra’s story, with his generous permission and blessing. At first he wasn’t so sure he wanted it to be shared, given the vulnerable nature of its content. But when I explained how lacking I was...
“You Signed.” ~ A Near-Death Love Story, about Life Contracts & Second Chances
The summer I was nineteen, I had a close encounter with death. I was entering my junior year at Sarah Lawrence College in New York, and had decided to spend my summer in the remote coastal village of Mendocino, California. My tiny, rustic studio cottage was only a...