Gangaji’s Grace

“Trust Yourself. At the root, at the core, there is pure sanity, pure openness. Don’t trust what you have been taught, what you think, what you believe, what you hope… Deeper than that, trust the silence of your being.”  – Gangaji

When I was 22 years old I met my spiritual teacher, Gangaji.  Not everyone needs a spiritual teacher, and I wasn’t aware that I needed one. 

When I met my teacher, I was already deep in the throes of spiritual disillusionment. I was seeing that everything I had thought myself and life to be was actually not so.

Gangaji beckoned me further, inviting me to rest into the unmoving truth of myself. She invited me to stop looking for peace in any identity. She invited me to be still.

As I followed her invitation, I eventually found myself face to face with my own limitless Love. Life had already shown me in innumerous ways that Love is the key. 


But in my teacher’s mirror, I suddenly recognized this Love to be the unchanging ground of all Being. I realized there is no separation between this Love and who I am.

As Gangaji’s personal assistant and healer for many years in my twenties, I was immeasurably blessed to receive intimate mentoring as we traveled the world, sharing both sublime and utterly mundane human moments together.

After my formal role of assistant shifted, both our connection and my discipleship only deepened.

To be close to a Master is an incomparable and mysterious blessing; a relationship that is frequently misunderstood. I could compare it to being held under the sword of Truth and wing of Grace; a support like no other.

To this day, Gangaji’s shining clarity and love intimately informs my life. Her profound support and blessings for my work in the world are inseparable from the work itself. 

To find out more about Gangaji’s offerings, I wholeheartedly encourage you to visit